Camden Haven Community Bands Inc

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Information > Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement

To contribute to the social and cultural fabric of the community (and beyond) through music, music education and community service.


* Perform music, as a band and in smaller ensembles, to the highest possible level.

* Educate individuals, both young and mature aged, in the performance of music (individually and collectively) leading to both achievement and enjoyment.

* To be available to our community as often as possible to participate in functions/celebrations, particularly important civic functions eg Australia Day and ANZAC Day.

* Enhance the profile of our community and local Council by performing outside our local government area.

* Provide an environment where students can be tutored and examined, particularly those pursuing music as a career choice.

* Wherever possible, provide developmental opportunities for young players outside the band.


To promote the love of band music, and music in general, by becoming a quality performing group and an established and accepted entity in the community.

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